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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

Lloyd Jones – another master gone

October 8, 2020 · in News · · 3 · 1.1K

Just saw an announcement that Lloyd Jones passed away over this past weekend.

If you don't think you know who he was, if you ever used a Scale-Master Decal, you knew Lloyd, who designed and created all that series. Those decals are so good, I used a sheet I bought 35 years ago (at least!) on a project last year with no problems and the decals seemed new, they were that good.

In addition to the decals, Lloyd did a lot of work with when they were here in Southern California. He wrote several still-excellent books in the 70s and 80s, and lots of articles in modeling magazines that would still be useful if you ran across them.

He was a long-time Major Presence at IPMS Space Park in the 70s and 80s, the hobby club that was like a Regional every month - over 400 models on display every meeting, dealers with kits, books, etc. Some of the best modelers you could find anywhere, guys who knew what was what since aerospace was their day job. Sadly the club went the same place Southern California Aerospace did.

Lloyd was a good friend, always willing to share information, and a fount of constant enthusiasm for the hobby. He'll be missed.

Like the Battle of Britain pilot said, "The trouble with being one of The Few is, we're getting fewer."

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

3 responses

  1. 2020 is a sad year indeed. RIP.

  2. The numbers dwindle. RIP Lloyd.

  3. Dammit! His books taught me scratch building techniques when I was in my teens. Goodbye Lloyd. You were a good teacher!

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