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David Kopielski
75 articles

1/48 Italeri UH-60 Black HawkArmy National Guard

November 27, 2020 · in Aviation · · 6 · 2.4K

This is a 1/48 Italeri UH-60 Black Hawk Helicopter built as a UH-60A/L version to represent the helicopter flown by the client who was part of the Army National Guard in Company B – 1-106 Assault Helicopter Battalion. I used Eduard's photo etch sets for the interior and exterior details, 3-D printed parts, and a little scratch built pieces to replicate it. The general decals were used from the kit decal set and the specific decals were made by me. I also swapped the multi-piece canopy that came with the kit with a one piece canopy from the Minicraft UH-60L kit. This canopy fit a lot better then trying to make the kits canopy fit correctly.

The helicopter was then mounted to a wooden plaque as a display base with a nice engraved brass plate and the Army National Guard logo. You can see all of the details and photos of this build in the build log section.

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3  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. Dave, This looks great and I think it's safe to say the pilot will display it proudly and with much appreciation for your effort. I trust all is well with you. Sad we haven't been able to meet up at any shows. I am using Makers on my builds and it has helped. Was that your suggestion? BTW, I never see any airbrushes in your pics. Was this build done by hand-brushing?

    • The airbrush is on a portable cart. Only set it up when in use. Need a larger room to have a permanent set up. You can see the cart in the corner. The vent fits in the window.

      1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  2. This is an excellent build of this important helo, David!
    I loved all the extra PE deailing parts: they really add up a lot!
    Same for the 3d printed seats.
    Base is super!
    It was a big pleasure to follow along yet another one of your build threads.

  3. A very nice build, David. @davids_models
    Always great to have those extras, it adds so much more to a model.
    Btw, how do you keep your models dust free like that?

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