Austrian Legend...1/20 Ferrari 312T 1976 Niki Lauda

December 1, 2020 · in Automotive · · 7 · 2.5K


So, my dad has finished his third racecar this year after a decades long hiatus.
Well, it´s no show winner but at least it is finished and didn´t go to model heaven.
Mostly typical quality. Only mounting the wheels was a bit tricky. My dad needed some force to do that and broke off some parts. Luckily he was able to fix the damages.
Another tricky part are all those narrow stripe decals, especiall the ones on the lower body. Although my dad sealed them several times with clear coat, parts of them came off when touching the model too much. Had to repaint some of the stripes with a white permanent marker.
My dad didn´t apply the GoodYear decals on the rubber tires, would have been tricky too.
The red paint was a selfmix.

Build thread here

The model shows the car of , January 25th 1976, in Brazil where he made 1st.

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome

15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Great model of a great car, those exhausts must have been tricky, they look as they are made of spaghetti. Definitely liked.

  2. What a great model, Reinhard!
    I love Ferrari and I love Niki!
    Your Dad should be congratulated!

  3. Nice work.

    I really want this kit, but when I saw the prices they're going for now a nearly had a stroke.

  4. Very nice Reinhard, another great example of your fathers building talents.
    Nothing more frustrating than getting to the final stages and have the decals break apart, but the final products looks amazing.
    I don’t know how many times I’ve watched the Ron Howard movie ‘Rush’ about Laura/Hunt but I think I’ll watch it again thanks to this post.

  5. Those mid-70s Ferraris always look great and were iconic. What a beautiful engine and sound! The model looks great from here.

  6. Your dad did well Reinhard, looks good.

  7. Congrats to your dad Reinhard for completing this one - it looks great - nice work!

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