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jorge rivas krause
25 articles

Sukhoi SU-35, bort No. 902, G.W.H 1/72

May 5, 2021 · in Aviation · · 10 · 5K

This is my first ever Russian aircraft. Fantastic 1/72nd kit by G.W.H, with superb detail and great fit.

The colour scheme is this very attractive splinter camo of the second prototype No. 902

Painted with AK Real Color lacquers and weathered with Abteilung 502 oil paints.

Thanks for looking.

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Very nice work on the SU 35. Fine build and exceptional paint job. SU 35 takes on characteristics of the USA F-15, although to me the Russian a/c looks "meaner."

  2. Great build. I particularly like the way you have painted and weathered the exhausts.

  3. This is an amazing job of a very beautiful plane, Jorge!
    Glad to hear the new tool GWH kit is very good!

  4. Fantastic work, Jorge.
    The splinter camouflage looks beautiful.

  5. A beautiful build - love the paint scheme and paint work on it.

  6. Nicely done Jorge.

  7. Great job, that camouflage really stands out.

  8. So how long did the masking for that paint job take? Well done and weathered.

  9. Hello Jorge,
    very impressive model. As mentioned above, the paintwork is stunning, especially on this scale.
    Regards, Dirk

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