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Anthony Ricco
47 articles

2 – Italeri 1/72 AH-64D Apache Longbow

July 1, 2021 · in Aviation · 12 · 2.2K

My Second build and one of my favourite helicopters, a nice kit, raised panel details and rivets.
Tried out some weathering, but early days trying weathering so a bit heavy handed, was very upset when I pulled off my painstakingly applied masking and found dust or paint marks on the inside of the canopy.

Learnt a lot on this build and I've got a 1/48th scale one waiting for me to apply what I learnt.

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12 responses

  1. Anthony, someone said in response to what their favorite build was, and they replied, “The next one.” As someone whose still learning, each build gets a little bit better. Good luck on your next one!

    • Thanks Gary, I really like that saying - I think one kit is my favourite then I get the next one and I'm like, no that's actually my favourite, seeing these photos again, I can see massive improvement just 5 or 6 builds later to what I'm doing now - It's nice to look back and see what you have done.

  2. What a mean looking beast! Well done Anthony.

  3. Nicely done, Anthony. @anthonyricco
    To clean the canopy part I usually take a small brush and put some toothpaste on it.
    With this you can pretty nicely clean transparant parts.

    • Thanks for the tip John - I'll definitely use that in the future, the problem is these are on the inside of the canopy - I think paint or dust must have gotten into a hole somewhere.

  4. This is a nice 1/72 Apache, Anthony!
    Getting better model after model is one of the many joys of modeling, and you sure follow this path!

  5. I've learned that static is an issue, and it has been recommended to me to add the canopy temporarily with PVA glue, so after painting and weathering, you can pop the canopy back off if need be, clean it out, and reapply. I'm definitely going to do that on my next builds because I also get a lot of dust on the inside after I take off the masking! Keep the builds coming!

  6. Looks fine, the ground crew didn't clean the glass yet. That's a good tip about the toothpaste.

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