"Sea Wolf" WW2 German U-boat Commander, Life Miniatures 1:10th
Here is the second big bust that I've finished, and I think it is an improvement from my previous figure.
Inspired by the amazing movie "Das Boot" this figure was sculpted by Korean artist Sang-Eon Lee. The resin cast, detail, and overall quality are fantastic. I've painted it using Abteilung 502 dense acrylic line and using a wet palette.
Very, very Nice! Well done, Jorge
Indeed very nice, Jorge @jark
Agree with gents above, Jorge!
Nice work. Like the filigree work
Thank you, Steve!. yeah, that shirt was a real challenge! let me tell you a secret...I'm colour blind and I have to rely most of the time on my daughter's eyes to correct me. I was ready to paint the lines in the shirt when she said, what are you doing!? the shirt is not red is blue!... So I've ended up having to paint again the base colour and change it to blue, before adding the extra detail.
Life-like and wonderful.
Another excellent result. Very lifelike.
Thank you very much to all of you for looking and commenting!
Well done. To me it is a harsh reminder that 70% of U Boat crews didn’t survive.
Thank you, Jim. Yes, you are right. It would've been awful experiencing what these guys did...
Gorgeous and very clean work Jorge.
The transitions and blending of colors are very well achieved.
Splendid work.
thank you very much!
Looks great!
Well done, Jorge (@jark). You have really captured the stress and strain of U-Boat work on his face.
Thank you, George! I’ve tried my best and I think looks good. The face was tricky…