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David G LANE
122 articles

Eddie Rickenbacker 1890-1973

September 16, 2021 · in Figures · 9 · 1.7K

Dolman Miniatures 90mm
Mainly oils
Printing ink for the metals

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Yep, that's EXACTLY him, David!
    Congratulations once again!

  2. Looked him up on google and yes, he is looking exactly like your miniature, David @mentaldental
    Really like how he is posing on the landing gear.

  3. Nailed another one David!

  4. Very well painted figure. I might be lousy at painting figures, but I know a well done one when I see it.

  5. That's him EXACTLY! Beautiful work!

  6. Some strong work in the art dept. With a Sculpture that is light years beyond Gumby and actually has a very good likeness of Rickenbacker. The painting brings life to the subject matter that represents flesh and blood. Looks like the chap's body temp is at 98.6.

    Definitely, in the Gold category.

    Two thumbs up David.

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