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Anthony Ricco
47 articles

15 - Revell1/112 X-Wing Fighter

December 15, 2021 · in Sci-fi · · 8 · 1.4K

I was given this little kit and decided to do it as a fun build, which it really was. I decided to try my own scheme and give it a bare metal finish, I wanted to have different metal tones so ended up masking and mixing different paints into my base colour to get some variation.

I also tried some colour tones on the engines to give them a burnt look which I was really happy with.

I was avoiding these small Star Wars kits because to the small scale but after this one I think I'll definitely try get my hands on a few more.

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8 responses

  1. Very nice X-wing, Anthony @anthonyricco
    Bare metal finish looks great as well as the burned metal of the engines.
    Well done.

  2. Great job on this Sci-Fi model, Anthony!
    It is really nice that you tried something "different", the result is excellent and utterly motivating for me to try something like it one day!

    • Thanks Spiros - yeah the sci fi is quite fun because you can do some things that you haven't done and don't have to worry about the realism aspect, so I used what I learnt on the engines from this one on a bike I built now and also I'm sure I'll use some of what I learnt on the bare metal on and F-104 I want to do one day.
      Plus they are good fun. If you'r into that sort of thing.

  3. @anthonyricco, I think that's very cool Anthony! ? ? I "liked" it, a lot. ?

  4. I’m not into sci-fi, and am one of those rare people who have never watched Star Wars, I prefer films that have a good story, interesting cars or motor bikes, great music and pretty girls, like The Graduate or Top Gun, but I really appreciate the paint finish on this model.

    • Thanks George, I appreciate you taking time to comment on a subject you don't have an interest in. Makes it even more special. Thanks for commenting on the paint - I really tried a lot and put a lot of work into it.

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