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Tom Cleaver
938 articles

Review: Modelsvit North American F-82F/G Twin Mustangfirst look review

December 22, 2021 · in Reviews · · 13 · 5.1K

Modelers have long wanted a good kit of the North American in 1/48. For the past 25 years, the only alternative has been the Hobbycraft kit, which has resulted in some persistent modelers creating nice models, while defeating far more of those who attempted it.

The desire for a state-of-the-art kit of this airplane has now been answered by , after keeping everyone in suspense for going on two years since they released the P-51H and promised the F-82 that fall.

The answer to the question "Was it worth the wait?" is a resoounding YES!

The kit is a "high-end limited-run," as are all the kits from Modelsvit, but this is the closest they have come overall to a "mainstream manufacturer kit." Molding quality is excellent. If you have the P-51H, this kit has similar beautiful surface detail. The canopies are much thinner than the P-51H kit, almost as thin as the canopies in Eduard P-51Ds. A friend who got his yesterday and couldn't wait to tear into it reports fit is excellent if you are sure to take the time to clean off parts of all sprue nibs -beware some sprue attachments go onto the mating surface of the part, so check everything carefully.

Studying the instructions and looking at the parts, the kit is complex, but not complicated. It looks to be no more difficult to assemble than an Eduard P-51D (except you have to do two fuselages). The flaps and ailerons and elevator are separated. The kit provides two drop tanks and two launch trees for 5" HVARs, which are included.

Decals look well-designed and printed. Markings include a very colorful airplane from 5th Fighter (All Weather) Squadron at Mitchel l AFB in 1949, another stateside airplane from the 319th F(AW)S at Moswes Lake, WA, and two Korean War airplanes: from the 68th F(AW)S at Itazuke AFB and the 4th F(AW)S at Haha AFB Okinawa, both 1950.
All have noseart. The two Yak-killers (actually they were IL-10s) are not included.

Caracal Decals is in the design stage for a sheet, which will likely include the Yak-killers and perhaps a NMF-Red F-82F from Alaska.

With the way the radome and its attachment are designed, it seems apparent they will release an F-82B and E day fighter.

Overall assessment: Buy. In. Confidence. As I mentioned, Scott Zuieback (rebelalpha @ eBay) has the kit at $20 less than the next-nearest competitor. He mentioned getting a dozen orders last night, so you guys appear to have gotten the message.

I'll be doing a WIP here on the model.

One surprising thing is how much bigger than a P-51 this is. The fuselages are a good 50% longer than a P-51D, and the wingspan is close to an A-20. You aren't going to just plop this on the shelf.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. Yep, it definitely looks to be a wonderful kit.
    Thanks for sharing, Tom!

  2. Excited about this one for sure. Having a look in my Modelcraft boxing always surprised me at the extended fuselage length. So glad that Modelsvit has made this a reality!

  3. Been waiting. My order is in! Thanks for the heads up Tom!

  4. Is the landing gear setup similar to the P/F-51H?

    I had some headaches with that building my P/F-51H.

  5. Hi Tom. Thanks for your review. I am looking forward to your build of this great kit! I am ordering mine early in the new year.

  6. Looks great! Waiting for mine…..

  7. Hi Tom, thank you for this review. I've ordered mine too.

  8. This is one heck of a kit, thank you for the review.

  9. Got mine from Sprue Bros as soon as they appeared online and they are sold out! Looking forward to see your build review!

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