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David G LANE
123 articles

Zouave Corporal 1914

January 10, 2022 · in Figures · 6 · 1.5K

Wars and Peaces Miniatures 65mm resin

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome 1 

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. Another of your amazing looking miniatures, David @mentaldental
    I'm really jealous of your painting skills.

  2. Indeed, another amazing result, David!

  3. Super Nice work again David and as good as the Zouave Statue of the Pont de L’Alma in Paris!

  4. When your painting with a brush and mixing paints with a palette and you get these results . . . it becomes
    Art. Figure painting gets under represented in the general community because, hard to do. The sculptor who made the figure also gets credit and between the two of you David its commendable. Really above and beyond the norm. Some excellent photography too.

    Three thumbs up.

  5. Those pantaloons look like they're really cloth. Amazing paintwork!

  6. I love the trophy on the belt too. “le casque a Pointe “ missed that at first !

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