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Roman Fittl
31 articles

Tank Commander of the 5th Wehrmacht Tank Division, Jeffshiu´s Miniatures, 1/16

March 9, 2022 · in Figures · · 7 · 1.2K

Greetings fellow modellers!

I finished another figure, it comes from the offer of the company and it is in scale, the command dome is intended for the RC model, I did not manage to get another one, but I don't think it looks bad.

I also add a few photos from the construction and painting, I painted the tanker with Andrea Color acrylic paints, I used the washable Ammo MIG paint to show the winter paint of the dome.

Hope you like it.

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

38 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Yet another superb figure, Roman!

  2. Excellent performance, Roma @roman_fittl
    Well done.

  3. Thank you very much, gentlemen.

  4. Great one Roman @roman_fittl thanks for keeping me updated on it

  5. Thank you very much Michel.

  6. WOW that is a standard of realism I can only hope to achieve. Nice job Roman

  7. Thank you very much Cooper.

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