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Returning after L*rd knows how long....

April 29, 2022 · in Photo Collections · 11 · 0.9K

So let's start with an explanation as to why I stopped posting here... erm, honestly don't know. I didn't fall-out with anyone, AFAIK I didn't upset anyone, I think I just got lazy.

Apologies, I'll try to do better going forward.

As you can see, I'm still building - there's far more to show, this is just a few from the last couple of years. My AFV builds have definitely got better and I'm slowly introducing more and more techniques into my aircraft building aswell. Not too much else to say, sorry for my absence folks.

All the best from Middle Earth.


Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Amazing jobs, IAN! Great that you shared them here!
    Keep them coming!

  2. Welcome back Ian, you've certianly been busy at the bench. Nice collection.

  3. Nice models lan, great pictures as well.

  4. Yes, welcome back! Nice variety of builds, that's a Phabulous Phantom!

  5. Beautiful work!

  6. Welcome back Ian, glad to see you active again! That’s a very eclectic model presentation, with so many different subjects and categories. In common is that all have a high level of quality. Personally I like the 262 and the Phantom very much

  7. Thanks everyone really appreciate the response. It's good to be back.

    So, the Phantom was finshed in early 2019 and is the old Hasegawa 1:48 with a heap of scratch-building & add-ons. Decals are all from a Furball sheet - can't recall the number - and are some of the very best I've ever used. Paints are all Tamiya acryllics, the Light Gull Grey mixed by eye.

    The 262 is the recent Revell 1:32 kit, finished in the middle of last year. Again lots of scratch building and a few add-ons. Decals are AM but cannot remember which company. I really wanted to do this as an early machine in the 74/75/76 scheme, so once again mixed Tamiya acrylics by eye !

    Feel free to comment, always good to get some other perspectives. AFN.

    6 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  8. Amazing builds, Ian @ij001
    Welcome back and thanks for sharing.

  9. Great work Ian good to see you back!

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