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Brian Hathaway
14 articles

I haven't posted on here in a while but just...

July 1, 2022 · in Armor · · 3 · 0.8K

I haven't posted on here in a while but just started my new project. SURPRISE it's not a 1/700 ship. I started on my new Ryefield . I got bored doing ships so I changed pace. I must say that this kit is worth the price. The instruction booklet, yes it's a booklet, is equally impressive. At first I was a little overwhelmed. I decided to treat each major component as it's own kit. Yes, I know it's a little sparse of detailed and its white, but it's a work in progress. I'm currently looking to find a full crew and workable tracks for her. I plan on either a winter styled digital camouflage or maybe something a little more abstract. With this much detail this kit SCREAMS for an exploded type of display.

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

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3 responses

  1. Looking great, Brian!

  2. Looks great, Brian (@bhathaway). The newer armor kits are loaded with detail that make the older kits look bare.

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