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Jorge Garcia
31 articles

SCUD-B+MAZ-543; Revell 1/72

October 25, 2022 · in Armor · · 6 · 2.1K

This is the soviet MAZ-543 transporting the legendary missile SCUD-B in the Iraq version. This is a re-boxed Toxso kit from 2014 but a really god one; not recemended for beginners in my opinion. The missile can be mounted to the launcher in either transport or launch mode.
For me its a differenten subjet, so, I enjoyed the whole construction process


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4  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Impressive model, Jorge, I wouldn’t like to be on the receiving end of one of these missiles.

  2. Excellent result out of a challenging kit, Jorge! Could easily be taken for an excellent 1/35.

  3. A not so often seen build, Jorge @megajorge0594
    Ther result is superb, nicely build and painted.
    Never heard about Toxso models, but with the correct skills like you have, it can be turned into an excellent model.

  4. Awesome build, nice work on the weathering!

  5. Good looking build, looks like a lot of work, with all that detail. Your weathering really adds a lot to the look of the vehicle, and it really makes for an impressive display with the missle in launch positition.

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