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George Johnson
73 articles

Ho-229 The main fuselage area is almost done

March 29, 2023 · in Aviation · · 12 · 496

Here's the 1/32 Zoukei-Mura Ho-229 I'm building at the moment. I opened up the two panels on the nose section in order to expose more of those fabulous engines. The tail section has been pre=painted with rust shades and will get a heafty coat of hairspray before getting a spotty metallic coat, followed by more hairspray and finally the outer coat. I don't actually know what color that outtermost color will be.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome 2 

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12 responses

  1. That is some beautiful work, George.

  2. Excellent ! Keep going just like this .

  3. Excellent progress and superb looks so far, George!

  4. Great progress, George @georgelj
    Those engines do indeed look fabulous.

  5. Your work on those engines really is beautiful. The rest, too.

  6. They look stunning George!

  7. Another Gem in process, George. Well done!

  8. Stunning! Very impressive work so far, keep it going!

  9. Amazing mate! You’ve still got it..

  10. Dayum! 😁 Man, that is some killer work George @georgelj! Those engines, just wow! 🤩

  11. Fantastic work so far! Wheatering of the tubing is top-notch.
    I've got one waiting in my stash, will be starting it this summer.
    Do you plan to leave some parts of the fuselage transparent?

  12. Thank you all for your kind words. I appreciate it very much.

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