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Timothy N Cooper
500 articles

Learn to Specify Related Entities

May 23, 2023 · in Uncategorized

In EF Core, we can override the OnModelCreating method on our EntertainmentDbContext. The version 4.3.1 was released on February 29, 2012.[10] There were a few updates, like support for migration. In what is entity framework SQL, a JOIN clause is used to combine data from two or more tables, based on a related column between them. Similarly, in Entity Framework, the LINQ Join is used to load data from two or more tables.

what is entity framework

Every EF Core solution will have at least one DbContext implementation. Additionally, we will want to install the dotnet-ef command-line tool (CLI). From within the newly created project directory type the following commands into Rider’s integrated terminal. Entity Framework is Microsoft's recommended data access technology for new applications.

Entity framework migration C# GUID foreign keys

Finally, we used the expressiveness of LINQ to generate SQL queries and return our result set. We store each entity type within the same Productions table, which EF Core manages for us. Entity Framework has come a long way since its original inception. An ORM framework does this object to SQL mapping by generating SQL statements and the Entity manager will execute them when you need to save or load objects from the database. It comes at the cost of another abstraction layer, but it will make the code easier to write.

  • Hence, you can improve performance by disabling tracking when you won’t be modifying the entities.
  • The issue appears when trying to select the production information from the rating’s row.
  • Moreover, while IQueryable supports query optimizations and lazy loading, IEnumerable does not.
  • As we can see, EF Core passes our value of 1 to the database as a parameter.

Let's take a moment to talk about databases and the .NET Framework's support for working with databases. We'll also take a look at what Entity Framework is and how it offers developers a better way of working with data in their applications. In this post, we modeled an entertainment problem domain using code-first design. In addition to modeling, we applied our schema to an SQLite database.

How to improve data access performance in EF Core

In the code-first approach, EF Core API creates the database and tables using migration based on the conventions and configuration provided in your domain classes. Before we answer these exciting questions, let’s talk about LINQ, also known as Language-Integrated Query syntax. In particular, we will use the Select method to project or results as anonymous objects. While we could use the types we’ve created in our EntertainmentDbContext, it’s essential to our app’s performance to return results we will use in our code. Like many things in life, the way we use EF Core’s LINQ interface depends on many factors, and developers should consider their use case and develop accordingly. The following diagram illustrates where the Entity Framework fits into our application.

what is entity framework

It is the most crucial class when it comes to working with EF 6 or EF Core. It helps execute the create, read, update, and delete commands in a database schema. It is also used to configure domain classes, map databases, track changes, and store cache. Entity Framework (EF) is an open source ORM framework for .NET applications supported by Microsoft.

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