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Thomas Probert
59 articles

Mach 2's 1:72nd Boeing 727-200

July 18, 2023 · in Aviation · · 7 · 1.2K

Evening all,

I've just put the finishing touches to this today: 's relatively recent release of the venerable Boeing -200 in 1/72nd scale. I used 26decals for the Alitalia scheme and Authentic Airliners' windows and cockpit - which look remarkably effective even in this larger scale.

The model went together without too many problems, other than a badly warped bottom to the fuselage which was straightened out on the hob! Another small improvement that's easy to make is to improve the inlets on all three engines by inserting some plastic tubing of the correct diameter and faring it all in with some filler.

You don't buy Mach 2 and expect Tamiya quality, but overall this was a fun build and didn't provide too many challenges. It's a big old beast in this scale, and is an impressive presence on the table. I just hope Didier keeps producing these kits - I'd love a Trident or a Coronado in 1/72nd scale - they're pretty basic by modern standards but reasonably priced and above all, great fun!

All the best,

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. Beautiful; I flew in one of these Alitalias as a kid! How were the passenger windows made on this? Look great.

  2. Smart looking model.

  3. Superb result out of the challenging Mach2 kit, Thomas!

  4. Thomas, you are one of the very few people I have seen get this level of result from a Mach2 kit. A truly amazing result!

  5. Very nice and clean airliner, Thomas @vacform
    Well done

  6. Darn good build for a Mach2 kit! I've built so far, and am not eager to do another!

  7. Nice work, Thomas!

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