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Robert Royes
258 articles

Oh the Humanity! A 1 1/2 year hurricane.

August 26, 2023 · in Uncategorized · · 12 · 367

The disaster was unexpected, power full machines thrown about with disregard. It was the 1 1/2 year old Anthony. Don't let your eyes off of one! Repairs are already underway.

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12 responses

  1. Time for Anthony to learn the word "No."

  2. A natural disaster, I hope the repairs go OK.

  3. Yes, I know about such tornados, Robert! They move quickly, quietly and are intensive!
    Hope repairs go well.

  4. Oh my, has this also to do with climate change, Robert @roofrat
    I do hope you can repair the occurred damage and that Anthony will change to a gentle breeze.

  5. @roofrat - Isn't that half the fun of having kids or grandkids - fixing what they break... There's always room for battle damage!

  6. Robert Royes (@roofrat)
    Oh my... this is so sad. I can only imagine how you must have felt afterwards. I feel for you brother ... 🙁

  7. Succes with repairing! And congrats with your very nice collection - even a GP-40 loc!

  8. Wow! Sorry the little hurricane hit, Royes (@roofrat). Most of us have been in exactly the same place. They are so fast at that age. Our granddaughter just turned 3, and she still operates on just two speeds: asleep and running.

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