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Scott Nelson
135 articles

Paper Razor Crest

August 2, 2023 · in Sci-fi · · 10 · 570

I was in a local game shop a few weeks ago and spotted a sale of some paper model kits of subjects. Having recently completed the tiny Bandai , I decided to get this much larger version for comparison.

This was a fun project. The fit of all the parts was very good and I had few issues. The main problem I had, which was probably caused by user error, was bending some of the tabs as I tried to slot them. Once the tab was bent it nearly impossible to get it to fit properly. In those cases I had to cut the tab off for proper fit.

While seeing the tabs sticking out of slots and the gaps at the joints and bend locations takes a little getting used to as compared to regular models, the big size and excellent graphics make it look impressive, especially from a couple feet away.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome 1  1 

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Indeed an impressive build and an awesome result, Scott!

  2. Really great, Scott @guitarhack5
    Incredible to see that this is made from paper. The graphics do make it look very realistic.

  3. I’ve never watched Starwars, Scott, but this looks very impressive.

    • Never?! The original movie in 1977 is still the greatest movie experience of my life. I've seen better movies, but never a better experience. Anyway, thank you for the kind words.

  4. @guitarhack5 - Very cool build Scott! It's always cool to see unique builds on this forum.

  5. This is truly incredible. On the white background, it looks like a darn painting!

  6. Thank you Brian. If it looks like a painting, that’s because of the excellent graphics and lucky photography.

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