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Charles King
130 articles

Fifth Wheel Weathering

September 23, 2023 · in How-to · 18 · 240

Fifth Wheel Weathering

  1. MIG's oil & grease solution
  2. Vaseline
  3. MIG's black, rust & dust pigments
Reader reactions:
10  Awesome 4 

1 additional image. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. Looks just like the real thing, Charles.

  2. Agreed with George.

  3. Wow. I thought that was real!

  4. Awesome! Very convincing.

  5. Absolutely realistic, Charles!

  6. This is very impressive weathering, Charles @tiking
    Where did you use the vaseline for.

  7. Come on Charles It's my day off.. I have worked for Peterbilt trucks for the last ten years and I get to see this everyday.
    You nailed it! I work outside sales to many large fleets here in Southern California. The upkeep of these fifth wheels is one of the most neglected items we come across. In such every truck so equipped that comes through our service department for any repair gets a free grease application. I also sell a few of these a month due to neglect. Great modeling.

  8. Charles King (@tiking)
    Like California Steve, I too have seen my share of these 5th wheels as a mechanic. It reminded me why I'm happy to be retired now. Getting filthy dirty, lifting heavy things, and hurting your knuckles gets old after a while...and the Snap On tool truck guy becomes your new best friend. He likes your pay as much as you do.

    At my first glimpse I thought you simply posted a photo of the real thing. Then I read the article. You my friend have some SERIOUS skills..

    I'm definitely clicking on some of the various "like" buttons. I don't know how you do this stuff, but I'm happy to see that you do. You definitely have an eye for this stuff.

    • Louis, thank you kind sir. I am honored by your sentiments and am grateful for such a response. Thank you kindly. I can image what it takes to renovate, and maintain such a mechanical piece. Something I would not want to be doing, quite frankly.

  9. I just joined iModeler, so apologies for the late response. As a truck/semi modeller, that's probably the most impressive and realistic, 5th wheel, I've ever seen!
    Well done mate.

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