New member, old modeler

September 27, 2023 · in Aviation · · 12 · 234

Hi All,
Iv'e just joined the Brotherhood/Sisterhood ( to be PC), and was enthralled to read some of the posts regarding the venerable Scale Revell models . It always amazes me to see what can be done with these old kits to give a good account of themselves.

I was always impressed with the efforts of Ed Boll with the Triplane. God knows how many he as done ( and more, intriguing is where does he store/display them).
If anyone can steer me to any aftermarket accessories there are out there ( given the odd choice of scale), it would be much appreciated.
Cheers for now, Dave W

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12 responses

  1. Welcome to iModeler, David @davewoolliscroft! 😁 Good to have you here, sir! 🍻

  2. Welcome aboard, David!

  3. Welcome to this great modelling community, David @davewoolliscroft
    Sorry for not being able to help you on 1/28 aftermarket parts, this scale is way to big for my house.
    Love to see some of your work.

  4. Try copperstatemodels.Ive used their decals,and they have accesories as well.Good luck.

  5. Welcome to iModeler, David (@davewoolliscroft). I still have several of the old Revell 1/28 kits floating around in my storage room, but I haven't built one in years. Looking forward to seeing your models.

  6. Welcome aboard! I can't help you much - strictly a 1/72 guy!

  7. Welcome to iModeler, David. Hope to some of your work soon. Enjoy the site!

  8. Looking forward to seeing your work. I was unaware of 1/28 scale Revell models, though I built many 1/32 scale Revell airplane kits a half century ago when I was a teenager. Sorry I can't be of much help.

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