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Derek Bowen
13 articles

Academy 1/35 Panzer II Ausf. F

October 9, 2023 · in Armor · 16 · 457

This was a very easy-to-build kit and my first attempt at building a tank. All my previous models have been planes. The only thing I really struggled with is the construction and installation of the tracks. That was a nightmare for me. I guess I should have watched a few YouTube videos before building my first set of tank tracks. I still think Academy should include extra track links just in case it doesn't fit perfectly and/or to allow for slack in the tracks.

The paint scheme is a two-tone desert pattern but I applied a filter on tank to tone down some of the yellowness from the sand yellow paint and the filter made the tank very dark and now it's difficult to see the two-tone paint scheme. My original intent wasn't to make it look that battle-worn. Overall, I enjoyed this kit and learned that building tanks is a lot different than building planes.

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16 responses

  1. Awesome result, Derek! Hard to believe it is your first tank!

  2. Derek, I think that tank looks really good! 👍 You've done a wonderful job on your first tank model, and you are so right, they are much different than an aircraft kit. I'm mostly an aircraft modeler, but I've done three tanks so far and really enjoy the process. I find myself much more relaxed and creative with a tank model...and no damned canopies to mask! 😁

    Keep up the great work and let's see the next one soon @mrocs2000! 🥃

  3. Fabulous work. I think it has just the right amount of weathering.

  4. Derek, your build, painting, and weathering are truly very good, and this is a great first tank! By adjusting your camera, make your photos just a bit brighter - the white background shows details well, but it tends to underexpose the darker subject. Your two-tone camouflage shows up well in the brighter photos you posted. The tracks in the Academy kit are called link and length (or length and link), and there's not much you as builder can or need to do to change them - the built-in sag is appropriate for a well-maintained tank. Academy has left out important information in Step 3 - do not glue parts C28, just dry fit them so you can attach the idler wheel in Step 4. In Step 5 - after you have assembled the tracks, adjust the idler wheels by slightly rotating them and parts C28 - you may have to trim the inner join area of C28 with the hull to be able to turn them enough - until the tracks fit as tightly as they can without separating, then and only then apply some thin liquid glue to the rear-most edge of C28s and let capillary action set them in place. Most modern kits (not all!) have this cam-action idler axle, as did the original tanks. The instructions on pages 17 and all the schemes show the aerial as much too thick. The original kit part is maybe only a little too thick, but it looks like you have been tricked into replacing it by the instructions. The box top illustration is a more accurate guide. Congratulations on your first tank build and thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work!

    • Christopher, thanks for your detailed guidance on how to install these link and length tracks. Unfortunately, I already have a Panzer 38(T) and M13-40 glued in place with the same track installation problem. At least I now know for next time. Definitely makes sense. Academy doesn't provide even a millimeter of slack in the tracks.

      As for the whip antenna, I accidently broke the original one after it was glued in place. The one currently installed is stretched sprue that closely resembles the diameter of the antenna from the kit. Yes, I concur. It is definitely too thick. I'll need to correct that on future tanks.

  5. Great paint and weathering work!

  6. That looks awesome! I'm building Tamiya's version. It's all built now comes the paint and weathering. I hope it turns out half as nice as yours did. Great job.

  7. Very nice and realistic result, Derek @mrocs2000
    Especially the weathering is superb.
    Hard to believe this is your first tank.

    • Thanks John. That was actually my third attempt at weathering this tank. First time it looked too boring in the pics. Second time it looked too dirty. Third time I was done called it called it good, lol. And yes, this is my first tank and 8th model overall.

  8. Looks Good, Derek!

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