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Dennis Meyers
109 articles

ICM 1/72 BM-21 Grad

October 7, 2023 · in Uncategorized · · 5 · 346

In my long ago stint in the military I was an expert at identifying all vehicles and aircraft in the Soviet arsenal. At that time the BM-21 was a fearsome weapon and there was no equivalent in the U.S. inventory. When I saw the recent boxing with markings and camouflage, I knew I needed to add that to my collection.

This kit is fairly typical ICM fair in this scale. It has some flash and mold seams that need attention. There are some finicky issues when building the cab and the drive chain. For instance, there are five clear pieces to put inside a tiny driving compartment in addition to dash, steering wheel and seat. Some of the axles are too big and requires some careful sanding.

Beyond that, it builds up into a nice representation of an iconic weapon system that's unfortunately getting quite a work out in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The decals for the markings and camouflage really standout. They went on easily and flattened out perfectly.

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8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

5 responses

  1. Really nice work @dmeyers and a great result.

  2. fantastic job, Dennis! Hard to believe it is only 1/72!

  3. A beautiful example of the actual weapon.

  4. Great job, Dennis! It definitely looks like a larger scale model. Amazing detail in such a small package.

  5. Impressive work, Dennis @dmeyers
    You did great at this tiny scale.

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