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Tom Cleaver
933 articles

Review: Halberd kits of 2023

December 31, 2023 · in Reviews · · 7 · 267

To my mind, is hands down the best resin kit maufacturer currently working. And Andrey is doing it all on his own, in Ukraine with all that means!

This was the year of all-resin kits. There was the /XP-51, the P-51 racer "Beguine," and the Curtiss Seahawk. I haven't completed "Beguine" yet. The SC-1 is simply amazing.

Resin conversion sets are among the best ever. Surface detail of the resin part exactly matches the surface detail of the plastic kit - including Eduard's amazing detail. I did the as a "what if" Zorro in Vietnam. The andXP-72 are the best conversion kits for these "esoteric" Thunderbolts done by anyone.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome 4 

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7 responses

  1. Great stuff Tom. Love the Seahawk

  2. I really want to start building my Dart powered Enforcer soon.

  3. Tom Cleaver (@tcinla)
    These all look like they are some excellent kits. Sometime during this upcoming year, I hope to get one of his XP-51 Mustangs, and if I can, the Seahawk as well. Years ago I tried to make this one by using an Accurate Miniatures P-51A kit as the base / start. Mine is loaded with mistakes and would be a good candidate for a rebuild...

    Thanks for sharing these with us.

    Happy New Year buddy. Stay safe.

  4. Excellent job on all, Tom!

  5. Amazing builds of some rare aircraft, Tom @tcinla

  6. Halberd does rock! TC @tcinla. I'll be posting my Turbo Mustang soon.

  7. Yeah, Halberd rocks. They will be getting some more of my retirement funds!

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