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Djordje Colovic
58 articles

1/72 Zvezda T90MS2

February 8, 2024 · in Armor · 8 · 313

I’ve menaged to finish this little 1/72 scale T90 MS2 from Zvezda.
As almost all Zvezda’s kits, not great, not terrible. Easy to assembly, but lacks many details.
It is small model which I decided to paint in russian green color. I did some filtering, color modulations, and weathering with pigments and trustworthy Abteilung 502 oils.
The photo shooting was done during daylight to use natural light for shadows.
Chers! Feel free to comment!

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8 responses

  1. Excellent job, Djordje!

  2. A lot of nice work that went into such a small subject. Outstanding! @sheol

  3. Great work especially in this scale.

  4. Great result, Djordje @sheol
    Lots of details, especially considering this tiny scale.

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