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John J Licht
18 articles

2nd SS Panzer Div StuH 42

February 23, 2024 · in Armor · · 6 · 282

Tamiya StuG / kit as a Das Reich StuH during summer in Russia. Vehicle built straight from box, rear deck stowage is from Value Gear in AZ. Hoping to show some variety and repair/replacements I used Vallejo colors & free hand airbrush for the body and Tamiya with masking for the plates. I used washes and pigments to tie them together. I also painted a replacement skirt plate on the right side and the tank skipper is wearing an earlier issued M40 side cap with the field gray uniform. I took these photos with my phone instead of the IPad so hopefully they show details clearer. But with my modeling skills maybe blurry is better.

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9  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. Spectacular looking piece of armor. Just the right amount of weathering.

  2. Nice job of combining free hand and masked surfaces. I’ll try it.

  3. That's a fine-looking piece of armor. There is nothing wrong with your modeling skills. @atjoe

  4. Your modeling skills are excellent and this really shows on your beautiful StuG, John!
    Well done!

  5. Great modelling result indeed, John @atjoe
    Painting and weathering is done perfectly.

  6. Great results indeed John 👏👏👏👏👏👏

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