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IAN Convey
14 articles

A Battery of cannon?

February 20, 2024 · in Armor · 14 · 291

These are model scratch built cannon that I have put together over the past 50 years using scrap brass and timber off-cuts from the workshop. They are not to scale and are not type specific, just representative of an era.

Photo 1&2 is a Napoleonic era 6lb field gun, photos 3&4 represents a 15th/16th century Bombard, these large bore guns were used to fire large round stones at fortifications. Photo 5&6 is obviously a naval gun whilst photo 7 is a mortar . The last is a naval swivel gun which could be mounted on the railing of a ship and fired musket ball and shot. They were fun to make and some have even been fired.

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16  Awesome 1 

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Well done, Ian. They have a unique, antiquated look to them.

  2. @very nice Ian! Realistic!

  3. Very nice scratch work, Ian.

  4. Beautiful scratch build canons, Ian @firelockg

  5. Really nice work Ian.

  6. Awesome builds. It's nice to see different subjects, especially scratch built ones. Really nice work.

  7. Thanks Clint, when I have a piece of scrap brass I may turn a barrel and it could take a year or two before I have built the carriage, so they are not made in "haste".

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