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Michael Woodgate
8 articles

Hasegawa 1/32nd Spitfire Mk.Vb of No.457 Squadron. Royal Australian Air Force.

February 24, 2024 · in Aviation · · 15 · 257

I have just finished this model. It is the old Hasegawa 1/32nd scale Mk.Vb.

I have finished the model in the markings of an aircraft flown by No. 457 Squadron RAAF flying out of RAF base Jurby, Isle of Man from Dec 1941 to March 1942 after this date the Squadron along with another Australian Spitfire Squadron No.452 and RAF Squadron No.54 was recalled back to Australia to defend the homeland from Japanese air raids.

The Spitfire was flown by Sqn.Ldr. Johnny Gibson a New Zealander who had a lot of experience flying with the RAF and when No.452 was formed in the UK there was no Australian pilots with the experience to lead a Squadron so Johnny Gibson was given command of the Squadron.

The Hasegawa kit dates back to 1977 but even by today's standards I still think it is a very good kit.

It has a very nicely detailed cockpit and the only improvement I did there was to make the missing padded seat backrest from Milliput.

The fuselage and wings has some engraved panel lines but the rest of the surface has raised panel lines. I didn't bother engraving new panel lines I just enhanced them with pre and post panel shading. I used a penciI and ruler to enhance the engine and gun bay panels. I also engraved the engine cowling fasteners. l am very happy the way that turned out.

I also cut the elevators and positioned them in the drooped position.

I replaced the cannon barrels with hypodermic needles.

Fitted canopy rails to the right side of the fuselage.

Added undercarriage position indicators to the upper wings.

I rounded off the kit main wheels. The side walls were too fat and squarish looking to me.

I enhanced the model with some aftermarket.

Quickboost Spitfire Mk.V exhaust.

Barracuda cast crew entry door.

RB Production Sutton Harness.

Xtradecal X32041 Spitfire Mk.V Early camouflage.

Tamiya acrylic paints was used throughout.

Thanks for taking a look at my Spitfire.

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5  Awesome

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15 responses

  1. Nice job on a vintage kit. Thanks for sharing.

  2. You did a fine job on this Spitfire, Michael @michaelwoodgate

  3. Very nice job Michael! Did you make masks for the camouflage? You have achieved very nice tonal differences in the colors, and the drooped elevators are a very nice touch. The extra surgery was well worth it.

    • I didn't use any masks for the camouflage. I just used my old trusty Paasche H airbrush. I always use Tamiya acrylic paints. These paints can be sprayed very finely with no risk of the airbrush clogging so long as the paints are thinned with genuine Tamiya acrylic thinners. Thankyou for your kind words about my Spitfire, my friend Russell.

  4. Beautiful- I built one a long time ago- still have it on my shelf, soon to be accompanied by a 1/32 PCM Mk IX, and a 1/32 Seafire MK XV (converted Mk IX kit.)
    Congrats on an attractive build.

  5. Excellent job, Michael!

  6. This is really nice. Everything done just right. The paintwork is superb.

    Too bad Greymatter went out of business, since they did a really good Rotol prop and a much superior seat, but what you have done with what's in the box is very good.

  7. Excellent build!

  8. Thanks Chas. I'm glad you like my Spitfire.

  9. A lovely Spit - nice touch to the weathering. Great build!

  10. Thanks Greg. I'm happy you like my Spitfire.

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