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Graeme Street
18 articles

"The Last Panzer": Pz.Kpfw IV Ausf J Last Border Models 1/35

March 11, 2024 · in Armor · · 9 · 421

Hey All.

I did a repaint of the J late. Repaint? I'll explain more in a minute. This was my first Border Models model (is that right?) and I have to say, it was pretty awesome. Not perfect, but well detailed and for a Panzer IV and relatively stress free. Anyone who's built a P4 knows they can be quite complex. This was my first J model (and actually my first P4 altogether) and I think it's one of the coolest looking vehicles in the German army. It just looks so "tank".

I had actually finished this last year and painted and weathered and just wasn't happy with it. So, I decided like any good modeler to redo it. Truth be told, I really like repaints. Sometimes you work so hard and long on the build and then immediately paint and weather and you just get burnt out. Letting it sit and fester for some time or even years, waiting for re-inspiration allows you some new perspective and time for exploring options as you're not as worn out from the build process.

Anyway, I gave it a quick once over with some primer and then base coated it in my standard mahogany color for shadows. It was going to be tri-camo and then white wash, so undercoating wasn't too important.

The build was mainly out of the box and then later jazzed up with several accoutrements, bits and bobs. This of course was the fun part. I also outfitted it with T-Rex Ostketten tracks, which were a giant pain in the butt and very, very, very delicate. In fact I believe I had to use TWO batches of the tracks to complete as so many were broken OTB and broke during assembly. I'm not sure they were my favorite tracks, but so few options for metal now, that 3D and resin are taking over. Not sure how I feel about that.

Now, yes, the ostketten tracks were on J's. Now the bracket for the Schurtzen really needs to be set up in the OUT position so they can get on, BUT of course, there is no option for that and although I could have scratched them, to be honest I didn't know they needed to be like that till after the build and it just wasn't worth it. So, I improvised and damaged one as though it was bent out of shape to fit (entirely plausible) and second, I fashioned my own schurtzen out a stolen, pulled up fence post. Why the heck not. It ads something unique to the model, which I think is important. Pick at least one thing per model and make it yours. Granted, I did that A LOT with this particular subject.

These Panzer IV's were the most used tanks in the German army. They of course were also the major "homes" for many tankers and used extensively for everything. Hence the "mule" moniker. I added every type of P4 tracks I had. Obviously, crews wanted to "up armor" whenever they could. I weathered them more gaudy and rusty with flash rust than I usually would to make them pop. It goes well with the Eduard PE leaves, which are just awesome, although a tad large for the scale. But, they still work. I imagined this tank in late Autumn in the Ost front where snow would often come very early. Hence the haphazardly painted white wash the crew did with minimal paint and time. I mainly used oils for this and avoided the typical hairspray chipping as it's always touch and go and with how much details were on it I felt it wise to paint it on, which looks more realistic if you ask me.

YES, one of the tracks had slipped and fallen in front of the drivers viewport. I didn't notice it till after the shoot and I didn't feel like reshooting, so there it is. Maybe they're parked and liquored up and don't want to see the outside world. Possible? Yah.

I did the photoshoots a few different ways mostly because each light changed the composition quite a bit and it lets you see the unique contrasts. Or maybe that's total c**p. I don't know.

That's all my friends. I could say more, but it's too early for a beer.

Enjoy and comments and criticisms welcome. I'll de-friend you, but criticize all you like. 😘

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. Well, You certainly have that one much needed trait for good modeling-a sense of humor.
    I like it much. Very well lived-in. Don't quite get the wood fence but WTH. And yes, Pz.4's are tres cool. I have a Borders "H" that needs getting to, but I'm ascaired of the zimmeritt.

  2. Excellent work done on this armor, Graeme @graemestreet
    Paint and weathering is simply amazing, love it.
    Well done.

  3. I agree with John, the paint and your weathering are top work, Graeme @graemestreet! πŸ‘ I could spend an hour looking over that tank and still find a new detail. That is some truly awesome armor work, sir. 🀩 Please, take a bow and pick up your trophy! 😁 πŸ†

  4. Excellent job, Graeme! What a fantastic looking Panzer!

  5. The paint and finish on this model are truly amazing, Graeme, enjoyed your write up as well.

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