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Aramis Sebastian
29 articles

Marshal Jean-Andoche Junot

April 21, 2024 · in Figures · · 4 · 143

Nicknamed "La Tempete", or "The Tempest", by his fellow soldiers, Junot was fearsome in combat, single-handedly dispatching 6 enemy soldiers by the sword in one engagement.

Unfortunately, he also suffered from advanced syphilis, . . .

As famed historian Andrew Roberts relates, "[a]t a ball [ . . . ], he arrived stark naked except for his epaulettes, gloves, dancing shoes, orders and decorations."

Query: To what did he affix his decorations?

Eventually, he was relieved of command because of his erratic behavior, and later "defenestrated" himself at his family estate, causing his death.

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4 responses

  1. Well, that's a lot of sturm-und-drang, worthy of a 19th Century novel, at least!

    As usual, nice work on these Napoleonics.

  2. Excellent job, Aramis!

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