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Graeme Street
18 articles

Tiger, Destroyed!

April 9, 2024 · in Armor · · 7 · 372

Hey everyone.

This is an oldie but goodie, the Tamiya Mid Production. My first Tiger I ever did. I have repainted it probably 4-5 times as it became my paint mule and practice slab for many techniques over the years.

This was my first attempt at zimmerit and using perfect plastic putty it came out reasonable. Maybe a little thin. It was also my first attempt at painting and weathering a destroyed AFV. Again, lots more I could do, but I left it as is and will come back to it another day, hopefully with a full vignette.

Remember, sometimes our best works are ones we finish, shelve, forget exist and then come back and beat the ever living heck out of them, just because we can. Yah, no one made it out of this one alive. A horrifying and unfortunately, heavy reality of many tank crews in WW2, especially those brave souls in US/Brit/Canadian tanks. Hard to think about.

Anyway, this one is plastic and no one died in the making of this tank. Enjoy! G

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. I love it! 😍 Very realistic to my eye and very well done, Graeme, @graemestreet! Inspirational. 👍

  2. Great looking destroyed Tiger.

  3. Inspiring work Graeme.

  4. Great looking Tiger, Graeme!

  5. Looks very nice, Graeme @graemestreet
    This Tiger has clearly taken some direct hits.

  6. Reckon it came up against a 90mm? Poor kitty.
    Nice job replicating destruction.

  7. Well done!
    Regarding the number of hits, your Tiger looks like a target on a military training area 😉

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