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Michael Turner
53 articles

Australian Model Expo 2024: Part 4

June 14, 2024 · in Show Reports · · 5 · 431
This article is part of a series:
  1. Australian Model Expo 2024: Part 1
  2. Australian Model Expo 2024: Part 2
  3. Australian Model Expo 2024: Part 3
  4. Australian Model Expo 2024: Part 4
  5. Australian Model Expo 2024: Part 5
  6. Australian Model Expo 2024: Part 6
  7. Australian Model Expo 2024: Part 7

The 2024 was held over the long weekend holiday of 8-10 June.
These are the 1/48 Props, Open.

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome 2 

5 responses

  1. Oh,my! Absolutely wonderful models!

  2. Really nice, again Michael (@michaelt).

  3. Amazing models some sublime builds and equally impressive photos

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