A new group build has been started..... it's called "The Great War"
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Hello again everyone. The time has certainly flown by. The last time I mentioned this was about two weeks ago.
Now here we are... and today is the first official day of the start of the First World War. I have started a new group build to honor those who served. It will last as long as the original conflict did, only it will be 110 years later.
This group started today and will end on November 11th, 2028.
So this will give us a little over 4.5 years to finish what we want to build.
Here is a link to the group.
All are welcome to join.
I look forward to seeing your projects, and will be asking some of you to assist with the administrative work as I have done in the past.
Thank you in advance.
Hello Louis. Thanks for the invite but wires and extra wings scare the beejaysus out me. I'll just follow along and make oooh and aaaah noises
George Henderson (@blackadder57)
You could build a tank... 
That is perfectly acceptable, and much appreciated.
Just teasing with you. Thanks my friend.
Looking forward to what everyone else brings to this.
Tom Cleaver (@tcinla)
Me too. I just posted two upcoming builds of my own. We have a lot of choices and time with this one...
Hey Louis!
I always start a GB full of good intentions but more often than not I end up with very little accomplished.
However I will do my best to team up 2/3 planes sometime during the GB calendar.
I’ll go with my partially started DR.I from Meng and a couple of Sop Camels from Eduard still in the boxes
Another excellent Group Build, Louis!
G’day Louis (@lgardner),
Thanks for the invitation, but WWI is not my thing. But, I guess I have a few years to recondsider…
Good luck with thr GB, I’ll look in now and then.
Dear Louis @lgardner
Thank you very much for the invitation! I‘ll see what i can contribute with my limited rigging skills
Thanks for the invite Louis,
here's one I prepared earlier and some from the stash, the 504 and Pup are for series 1 RAAF but could also be AFC, we'll see how we go, plenty of time with this GB but so many other things to do !
11 attached images. Click to enlarge.
Love the rigging on the F.2B, Allan. Do you have a trained spider to assist with that?
Thanks John, I wish !
Hi Louis.
I have never contributed to a group build before but I do like rickety looking old biplanes so please count me in
Nice one Louis ! @lgardner, just the challenge we need to tackle these older subjects - off to have a peer into the stash!
Louis (@lgardner), thanks for the invite. As you know, I've not been on the bench in awhile. I'm in the middle of packing the room up for a move soon, so it may be a bit before I can return. Four years? Might could make that happen! I'll be checking in and following everyone and their progress for sure.
James B
That's a wonderful Groupbuild, Louis @lgardner
I'm definitely going to participate with a bi-plane.
Thanks for the invitation! This will be the first group built I've ever taken part in, a d i look forward to building some stuff ivvehadon the back burner for a wile. First up will be a 1/32 Roden Spad VII. I'm looking forward to seeing everyones projects. Happy modeling everybody!
All right,all right,you got me Louis...not too much lately,but I will do my best buddy!Thanks!
Hi Louis @lgardner, on checking the history books, a certain country, no names no pack drill, didn’t declare war on Germany until 6th April 1917. Does this mean members from this country may not start building or posting models until 6th April 2027? Ha ha, please don’t take this too seriously, but, maybe, this is where the phrase “late to the party” originated.
George Williams (@chinesegeorge)
You made a good point, but many people forget this same "no named" Country had men in service that were fighting for other Nations to help them regain their freedom from the very early stages of the conflict.
Because of this, all people from all Nations can build and post as they like.
As far as the late to the party phrase goes, your guess is as good as any. I can think of several similar instances without even trying too hard.
Awesome, I'm in.
Paul van Acker (@paulwoodyvanacker)
Looking forward to seeing your project(s) too. Thank you.