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Louis Gardner
176 articles

Idea for a new group build. The Great War 1914 - 1918

May 1, 2024 · in News · · 32 · 205
This article is part of a series:
  1. Idea for a new group build. The Great War 1914 - 1918
  2. Reminder for the upcoming Great War group build
  3. A new group build has been started..... it's called "The Great War"

The started on 28 July, 1914 and ended four years later on 11 November, 1918.

I was thinking about starting a new that was dedicated to the men and women who were there. It would follow the exact same dates as the actual conflict did. It would be 110 years later however.

The First World War or Great War as it was sometimes referred to, was the first “modern” war. It had a lot of firsts as well. Aircraft, tanks, machine guns, Zeppelins/ dirigibles, gas / chemical weapons, the use of submarines and modern steel warships are some of the examples that immediately come to mind.

So does the use of internal combustion engine powered ambulances. The writing was on the wall for horses in military service, although they were still in widespread use by some Nations during World War II. But the seeds were planted.

Some years ago the last surviving soldier who served in the war passed away. When that happened, the war officially became a part of our written history since we lost our physical contact with a person who actually experienced it. Now we no longer have anyone left who was there.

We should do something to honor them.

Freedom is not free. It never has been. But what was done to allow our freedoms is easily forgotten by the majority. It will never be forgotten by those who were there.

From that point forward we had to go to a book or watch a video / movie to see what it was like. We could no longer ask questions about it to someone who was actually there.

Sadly this is happening right now as Father Time marches on and we lose our WW2, Korea, and Vietnam veterans on a daily basis. So if you know anyone who was in one of these events. (and they are willing to talk about it…..some don't want to relive the experiences…..), please do what you can do to help us preserve this vital information. Record your stories or at least take notes.

Do this today because tomorrow you might not get the chance. Every day is a gift and it's not guaranteed that there will be a tomorrow.

Our recent Korean War group build was done the same way, with following the same dates of the conflict. (Speaking of which, I have not been able to find the spare time to post a recap for this Korean War group. I will, I promise, when I get time to do it. ).

The start date of this group will come up before we know it. I wanted to share my thoughts on this and see what kind of reception it would receive. This would also help to give you some time to think about it should you decide to take action.

So please take a look at the pictures I have posted to go along with the article. You may find some sort of inspiration for a future project. It might also help us to get some of our Wingnut Wings kits out and built.

Anything would be permitted as long as you can somehow relate it to the conflict.

Never forget !

As always comments are appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

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8  Awesome 1 

78 additional images. Click to enlarge.

32 responses

  1. Given I have a whole flock of new Eduard WW1 kits, as well as several earlier kits that have been stalled-out for various reasons, I'm definitely in for this. We might even be able to convert some of the biplaneophobes. 🙂

    • Tom Cleaver (@tcinla)
      You are a lucky man to have Eduard send you these kits like they do. It would be nice to get some stalled out projects completed as well. Good to have you on board. Biplanes can be a bit tricky, but like anything they become easier with some practice. So you never know... we just may be able to convert some people...

      Thanks ! 🙂

  2. Excellent GB idea, Louis!
    Count me in!

    • Spiros Pendedekas (@fiveten)
      Thank you for your continued support my friend. I can always count on you and John. I sincerely appreciate this, and will look forward to seeing what the future holds. Take care and thanks again.

  3. Very good idea, Louis @lgardner
    I will definitely join.

    • John vd Biggelaar (@johnb)
      Thank you John ! I was hoping that you would be interested. Like I mentioned to Spiros above, you two are always there for us and it is indeed greatly appreciated. Take care my friend and thanks again.

  4. I’m in, Louis. Great call!

    • Paul Barber (@yellow10)
      Thank you Paul !

      I can give you two guesses as to which plane will be one of my first choices... It will look a lot like this one here... 😉

      Thank you for sending me the 3D printed parts to built it correctly. Now I have obtained the proper decals, so it will be happening... in 1/32 scale, which lately has been my favorite.

      Thanks again my friend.

      • That’s great news Louis. There are so many options and quite a lot of time. I have a few things in mind including a couple of planes I’ve already cracked the seal on. Will be ready for the start!

        • Paul Barber (@yellow10)
          Yes my friend there should be a lot of time for this one to play out. Plenty of subjects to choose from too... I will make sure that we have a provision to include any kit that was previously started, as an incentive to help clear off our shelf of doom. We will also have the option / choice to build as many kits as one would desire. Even if it's 3 or 4 Fokker D-VII's, Albatros D-V's, or even Pfalz D-III's by the same person... it's all good. Hint hint, wink wink... 😉

          Just sayin' 🙂

          I can't wait to see what you have in store for us... 🙂

  5. Hi, Louis, your enthusiasm is infectious, but I think there’s already a WW1 group build here on iModeler.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

    • George Williams (@chinesegeorge)
      Hello George. For some odd reason, this group is not visible when I use my cell phone. I can see it however when I am using my home computer.

      It only has a single post. It shows a completed model of Herman Goering's Albatros with a few pictures. It does not have any construction pictures like most group builds do.

      I sincerely think it was done accidentally by one of our newer members who was learning how to use the website.

      Therefor I still believe it is a good idea to go ahead with this idea for the group. It will have a dedicated start and end date.

  6. I’m in, Louis. I did a lot of WW1 stuff in the 80s-90s and still have some great kits in the stash.

    • John Healy (@j-healy)
      Hello John ! I am very pleased to hear that you will be joining the group when it becomes a reality. This is the perfect opportunity for many of us to "thin the herd" of unbuilt kits in "Ye Olde Stash"...

      I built a lot of WW1 kits as a kid. Some ended up as being a static target for honing my BB gun skills !

      Welcome aboard.

      • I built lots of those Aurora kits as a kid. Along with Airfix and Revell 1/72 WW1 kits. I might actually pull an oldie or two out of the stash and see what adult skills can do to them.

        • John Healy (@j-healy)
          I look forward to what you will bring to the table. There's nothing wrong with building old kits. I might even break out a few of the Academy kits I have in the stash... My poor old eyes don't do too well with building smaller biplanes any more, so I'm most likely going to stick with 1/32 scale aircraft and 1/35 scale armor. I have had a desire to build a Mark 4 "Male" and an AV8 lately... but time will tell what actually happens.

          I am looking forward to see what you are going to build.

          Thank you for the interest.

  7. When it comes closer to the time for this to happen, I will contact Martin and see if he will be willing to post it in the headlines section as a reminder of sorts as he has done in the past.

    I will also be reaching out to some of you for assistance with keeping things running smoothly.

    Thank you again for your continued support.

  8. @lgardner

    I’m in also. It’s a great excuse to resume my partially built Meng DR.1 and also to build the little but apparently gorgeous Sopwith Camel from Eduard I have in the stash

    • Pedro L. Rocha (@holzhamer)
      I was hoping you would join us... I was also thinking about the Meng Dr-1 you have underway a few days ago. Crazy but I sincerely was. You have done such a wonderful job with it and I would like to see it cross the finish line. I'm sure you would too.

      I have heard a lot of good things about the Eduard Camel. I'm sure with your talents, it will be magnificent.

      Welcome aboard my friend ! 🙂

  9. This sounds great. I haven't been able to get much build time in as of the last few months but hopefully that will change soon and I can finish up a project or two and then be ready to jump in on this group build . I'm in!

    • Clint Miller (@curtisshawk)
      Welcome aboard ! We are happy to have you join us when the group is started near the end of July. We should have around 4.5 years to finish up our projects.

      I have been very limited on build time lately as well. I completely understand, and look forward to seeing your project(s).

  10. Will you clarify the start and end dates? Are you intending to use 07/28/2024 to 11/11/2024?

  11. Count me in. I'll let the other Great War Special Interest Group (SIG) know as well.

    • David G LANE (@mentaldental)
      Thanks Dr. David. Any additional advertisement for this group is sincerely appreciated. You are the Great War "master" with your oil painted figures, and especially your aircraft models. They all are so realistic and lifelike.

      I'm really looking forward to seeing what you bring to the table.

      Thanks again. 🙂

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