Dragon Models Tiger I Initial Production
Hello fellow modelers!
This is my first model of a Tiger I. Bought the kit at a swap meet for $20 in mint condition. Love these "3 in 1" Dragon kits, not only are they sharply molded with great detail, they come with lots of bells & whistles: PE, aluminum gun barrel, brass smoke launchers, 88mm shells, etc. The model went together pretty straight forward, nothing out of the ordinary outside of the usual subterfuge that comes with Dragon's instructions. Careful study of said instructions is strongly advised before assembly of any Dragon kit. Only additions were Friulmodel track links and a PE grill set for the engine deck. My intention from the start was to portray the box art, Dragon provides the cameramen figures in their not-so-good "DS Vinyl" which presented its own challenges to prep & paint. I was told by a couple modellers to not use oil-based paint lest it could damage the vinyl. So I primed and painted in water-based acrylics, no problems encountered. I have a set of Tamiya tank crew figures which are almost complete as I write this. I can see why the Tiger I had a reputation as an imposing and intimidating AFV. Once the tracks were installed the vehicle took on a totally different look! One of brute strength, it looks like a big pillbox on tracks! Totally enjoyed the build and even the PE! Hope you like, cheers!
Excellent result, Jim!
Thank you John! I am very satisfied with this model. I will put together a diorama based on the box art.
Now build the four Russian light tanks yoked to it when retrieving it from the mud!
Man, that is a fantastic Tiger tank, Jim!
You've achieved a great level of realism with the finish and weathering. @jaltergott6, Impressive tank and figures, bravo! 
Thank you very much Gary!
This model was a pleasure to build, paint & weather. One note, after installing the Friul tracks the model feels like it weighs around 3 pounds!
Very nice, these kits are almost like gold!
Thank you Rob! I look for Dragon "3 in 1", "Smart Kits" & "Premium Edition" armour models at swap meets. I have collected quite a few, most have cost less than $35 and all have come in mint condition.
Excellent result, Jim! Looks superb! When it comes to 1/35 armor, Dragon is definitely a manor player. Got a BMP-3 sealed for less than $15, cannot wait to build it!
Thank you Spiros! This was a pleasure to build, paint & weather. Will post photos of the diorama I have planned for this model...when finished
Excellent work done on your first Tiger I, Jim @jaltergott6
Weathering, just like the rest of this build, does look great.
Thanks John. Got to admit, I am very impressed with the finished model. Glad to share with the Imodeler community.