8 articles · 1.2K karma · 7 friends · active 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Build mostly armour models, 1/35th scale. Have a couple of 48th scale tanks in waiting. Used to build a lot of 1/48th scale aircraft, WWII era almost exclusively.

48th scale Hasegawa Macchi C.202 Folgore

Greetings & salutations fellow modellers! I present to you all my latest "bird". This kit was purchased from my best friend for a mere $10 American. As he has multiple copies of this kit along with the C.205, it was no [...]

Tamiya 1/35th scale M10 IIC Achilles TD

Greetings fellow modellers! For those that build armour kits, I cannot recommend this model highly enough. Goes together like a dream, very simple, straightforward and most of all FUN to build. Tamiya has created models that make [...]

Otaki 1/48th scale Bf-109G-6

Hello fellow modellers! It has been a long time since my last article, too long. Seeing this box art always evokes memories of me as a young (12 years old) and impressionable lad, circa 1976, in my now long-gone local hobby shop wanting [...]

Dragon Armoured Jeep

Greetings and salutations fellow modelers! This is the 1/35th scale Dragon armoured jeep. I saw this kit on Ebay and it caught my attention immediately. Bit of a challenge to build, directions are lacking in clarity and omit some part [...]

Tamiya 1/35th scale JS-2

Greetings & salutations my fellow modelers! This is a kit I recently completed. The photography needs improvement. Tamiya starts you with a great basic kit, an excellent launch pad for adding or creating your own extra details, [...]

Eduard Spitfire Mk. VIII “Grey Nurse”

Greetings & salutations fellow modelers! Here it is! This model was awarded to me for being selected from amongst those submitting their first article to Imodeler. This was my first Eduard kit. I must express mixed feelings regarding [...]

Random winner August 2017

Here I am with my prize, the 1/48th scale Eduard Spitfire MkVIII Weekend edition. My favorite Spitfire version of all. Thanks to all involved, happy modeling! Jim Altergott

Dragon 1/35th scale King Tiger Battle of the Bulge

Here is my first article. Built back in 2006, this is my favorite German WWII armored vehicle. Built with aftermarket barrel, tracks, figures and fenders. Always liked this pattern, slightly different with the hard edge finish. All [...]