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Jim Altergott
10 articles

ICM RNAS Ford Model T Armoured Car

March 1, 2025 · in Armor · · 10 · 131

Greetings and salutations,

My first WW1 model of any kind ever! This came about whilst searching for a model to build for a WW1 group build I entered. Purchased at a swap meet for $25, comes with a British tank crew. My plan is to combine figures & vehicle in a small diorama, that will come later.

The model itself is a real joy to build: simple, clean & sharply molded that goes together very easy & stress free. Used Mr. Surfacer 500 to rough up the steel texture of the body panels and driver's cab. Added a tarp over the machine gun with facial tissue soaked in water-diluted PVA glue, added some "bits & bobs" from my scrap box to the pick up bed. Sprayed Tamiya XF-53 Neutral Grey and hand painted the disruptive color, which is Model Master enamel Military Brown. A real pleasure to build, look forward to my next ICM kit, whatever it might be. Take care, keep on modeling & be seeing you!

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Excellent result, Jim! Amazing that this is your first WWI subject!
    Well done!

  2. The "roughing" of the armor is very effective, and the paint work is very realistic. This is some excellent work here.

  3. Excellent work, Jim!

  4. Absolutely wonderful, Jim @jaltergott6
    The paintwork is very realistic

    • Thanks John! A unique subject and simple to build. I wanted something on the easy side for my WW1 group build subject. Had no intention of buying a MENG kit or something similar that would drag me down with thousands of parts. This kit fits the bill perfectly. Thank you again for your compliments

  5. Nicely done, Jim. Those WW1 vehicles are always cool

    • Thank you Gary! This kit was the perfect starter for me. Simple to build, unique subject, and sharply molded with great basic detail. Couldn't have picked a better model for my WW1 group build.

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