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Richard Mcstay
60 articles

AH-64 Apache

November 1, 2013 · in Aviation · · 12 · 4.2K

I don't really think this machine needs much of an introduction! Here it is equipped with sidewinder missiles in 1:32nd scale. The kit is an old kit from 1986, I managed to get it for twenty quid on E-bay! The seatbelts are aftermarket however, and I used the AIM-9M's from the F16 I am currently working on.

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12 responses

  1. This has a lot going for it.

    Size, detail, and that 'down and dirty' look that gives it the appearance of some kind of giant alien insect.

    I built one in 1/48 (also a nice size for this subject), with an Aires replacement cockpit (must be the only Aires item I ever purchased that actually fit), but the bird got broken in a house move three years ago and I never got round to a replacement.

    Very cool build.

    • Cheers mate, thanks. They do look a bit intimidating. I move around a bit with work and that thought has crossed my mind. I need a big box and lots of bubble wrap!
      I was looking for an aftermarket detail kit, but only found one a bit too late, and it did look rather advanced. It's a Verlinden kit, if you google Apache 1:32 revell, Florymodel have done a cracking build using it. It shows my attempt up a bit though!

  2. Nice job on a complicated build mate, the interior of the cabin looks great, I was wondering where you'd got to .What happened to the F16 ?

    • Thanks mate. It was a pretty straight forward kit to be honest. The instructions were hard work though!

      The F16 is almost done, completely finished actually, just waiting on a decal sheet in the post coming from Japan. Eight weeks and counting now I think. I ruined the original ones with a bottle of decal fix and Humbrol clear. Both products have since been proven to react quite bad with Tamiya paint!

      On the Microsol now though through your recommendation actually Neil. Cheers for that mate.

  3. Great-lookin' bird, Richard...must be a monster.

    • Thanks Craig, cheers. It's not small. It has taken home in the middle of the kitchen table at the minute till I get a shelf up. Trumpeter do a 1:32 Chinook. I want one. But need a bigger house first!

  4. Any helicopter is a tough build. The bigger, the tougher. Great job, Richard.

    • Thanks Joe much appreciated. It went together alright really but I think it was quite a basic kit. It was my first attempt at one so it was also a bit of a learning curve with a few school boy errors! Cheers though.

  5. I love it, Richard, it looks really weird and evil sitting there, I think it would go very well with Joe's Halloween vehicles! You must have a big kitchen table...I can almost hear it groaning under the weight!

    • Thanks very much.Cheers George. It's not that big really, well at least nobody has complained yet about eating dinner around it! I quite fancy making an F15 in this scale or the SU27, but realistically cant till I'm in a bigger house! I'm just going to have to crack on building the bikes! Much less space consuming.

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