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Rodney J. Williams
171 articles


February 8, 2020 · in Aviation · · 5 · 1.8K

I like challenges, so when I spotted this model, I just had to have it to see if I can paint the black stripes on it, so it looked like the real airplane that flew over the "Serengeti" area of Africa. It was used to acquire a record of how many "Zebra's" were roaming the savanna.

The model was the usual build and the parts had next to no flashing and went together really well.

I followed the kit plans for painting all the stripes onto the model. I did not keep a record of my hours, but I can say that it was a bit time consuming cutting out and applying all the masking tape.

I did not take any photos of the cockpit being built, nor any images of it finished. I was happy with my results.

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5 responses

  1. Masking ability level 10 ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Ola Pedro; Your first name is Spanish...?

      Maybe a "NINE" sure was time consuming. I'm upset with myself for not taking photos of the cockpit, especially the instrument panel.

      OH's too late now...RJW

      • No, Not Spaniard, Portuguese. Trust me itโ€™s a 10, masking large models and get that finish look takes analog of skill and patience. Too bad about the canopy photos

  2. You mean cockpit photos, not canopy...?

  3. When I was on vacation many times in Mexico during the 1950's there were men named Pedro, which means Paul in English. Again..thanks...!

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