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Charles King
128 articles

Sky Bike

June 12, 2021 · in Sci-fi · · 11 · 2.3K

This is a model I kit-bashed about 90% out of Tamiya bike parts and 10% scratch built. The design was inspired by a short film, called 'Leviathan', that I saw on Youtube some years back.

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7  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Another "let your imagination and your creativity free", excellently built model, my friend @tiking!

  2. Another great sci-fi masterpiece, Charles

  3. When does the movie come out? Charles, I always get a kick out of the new and interesting ways your mind comes up with flying machines. Some of your designs are right up there with what folks are doing with electric a/c . drones and flying taxi's that will be in the air in the near future. Good science sci-fi presents things that are plausible in the near future or are on the cusp. Cellphones and tablets 20yrs ago on Star Trek are now reality. So your ideas may be in the near future.

    Keep up the good work. Looking forward to your next build.

  4. Great stuff, Charles! I was thinking about something yellow when I saw the red bike of yours and now you publish just about what I had in mind 🙂

    I love the vertical outlook. I´m a great fan of visual volume and you have nailed it in this creation. Try not to have the wear too conform and even all over. A slight balance to either side or part may add extra interest and make us wonder what happened just right there at that particular spot. Keep it up!

    I assume you will take part in next 08 Open i Stockholm, whenever that will be. Your hover bikes will certainly add interest to the tables 🙂

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