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Billy Smith
19 articles

1/25 AMT '66 Nova Pro Street

May 13, 2014 · in Automotive · · 9 · 2.4K

Well... It has been a very long time since I have posted on here last. I purchased this car when I was down in Kentucky at a hobby lobby way back in Feb. I finally finished up with this last semester at college and the first thing I wanted to do was work on my models.

My whole idea for this car was to make it look like a war bird. I had decals lying around from my P-47 so I figured I'd slap them on there. I didn't want to finish the exhaust system so I left it was be, but I just noticed that I never painted the windshield wipers.

Sorry for the poor quality of pictures, they're off of my iPhone. I was too lazy to bring out my camera haha!

Reader reactions:
3  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. It's cool, Billy!

  2. Now all ya need is a number on the roof...LOL

  3. Good imagination.

  4. Different Billy but enjoyable.
    Well done .

  5. Billy,
    Very nice. Interesting concept.

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