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Steven Davis
21 articles

Build thread for Border Models Type Vll U Boat

January 15, 2023 · in Ships · 11 · 2K

So, first build of the this year and first after retirement from working at a great company for 27 years!
Now I have the time and the kits!
No figures, and not using the conning tower interior cause the hatches are closed.
Stay tuned for more.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

11 responses

  1. A great entry, Steven! Looking forward to it!

  2. @bigbrother57
    That’s one great project to start your jubilee years Steven!
    Now, If you are planning a build journal then the appropriate way would be logging this on any of Naval GB you can find on the “Groups” page.
    Looking forward to see this one 😉

  3. Seems like you will have a busy retirement, Steven @bigbrother57
    At least you can spent your well deserved free time with this amazing hobby.
    Looking forward to it.
    Ps. You might consider entering this thread in one of the groups to show your progress.

  4. ..

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  5. Make sure to take the time to bring your skills up to this project. I remember 20 years ago a guy brought a 1/35 resin U-boat he had done to a show. You could see it across the room, and closer you got, the more you were thinking "uh-oh." When he didn't win best of show, he complained "I spent $1500 on this!" to which someone replied, "You should have spent $50 on classes to do it."

    Projects like this can bring out the best of us because they're so big, so eye-catching, that there is no way it won't be looked at and any "less than" will be like flashing neon.

    Good luck with it. It's got the potential in the box to be fantastic. Whatever the result, you're going to be a better modeler at the end for daring to take it on.

  6. Wow! That thing's going to be over 6 feet long!

  7. It looks huge even with just the mid section...wonder if the railings are also included in the box in the form of PE.

    And I also see your box of Bandai's Master Grade Johnny Ridden Zaku II are also a Gundam fan?

  8. That’s some project, Steven, like the others have said, probably best to put in our groups section. Good luck.

  9. I’ll do that. Just not sure how to do that.

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