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Brian Mennenoh
22 articles

Star Wars Y-Wing Starfighter

October 13, 2023 · in Sci-fi · · 14 · 423

Bandai's 1/72 scale Y-Wing fighter from the somewhat popular Star Wars IP.

This really is an excellent kit, well designed with excellent detail, it goes together well and really doesn't need to be glued. I did choose to add both photoetch and LED lighting. The PE set is from Green Strawberry and the LEDs are from Evan Designs. I used 3 white LEDs in the cockpit and one red LED in each engine.

The video is available here:

I hope you check it out, and please Like and Subscribe!

All the extra boxes, power stations and Gonk droids are custom models I created in 3ds Max and printed on my Elegoo Mars 2 resin printer.

Someday, the Y-Wing and 2 X-Wings will be part of a diorama...

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10  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Very creative work. I like it.

  2. Fantastic job, Brian!
    Loved the video, too!
    Well done!

  3. Excellent work, Brian @brithebuilder
    All the extra work does look great and 3d printed objects make it a nice diorama.

    • @johnb - Thanks John. Once I've completed Luke's X-Wing with LEDs, I'll be putting the full diorama together. There scatter pieces were fun to build in 3ds Max. It's always like magic when I can make something in my computer and have a physical copy of it in my hands the same day.

  4. Very cool, Brian, sorry I can’t view the video, maybe you can put it on

  5. Nice job on that Bandai kits. The 3d printed greebles make the scene.

  6. The Force is with this one, nice work!

  7. Great job, Brian! Not a big Star Wars geek (more Star Trek) but I certainly appreciate your build...Well Done!

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