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Nguyen Huy Hoang
17 articles

Revell He-162 1/32

January 19, 2015 · in Aviation · · 23 · 3.2K

This is to prove that I'm just not love radial πŸ˜€
The kit is Salamander built OOB sometimes ago. I couldn't acess to any aftermarket items so a lot of scratchbuild details. I have made a terrible mistake with this model, can you detect it πŸ˜€
Paint used was custom mix Tamiya. Hope you like her πŸ˜€

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23 responses

  1. Looks like a terrific build to me, Nguyen...if there's a "terrible mistake" to be found, it eludes me. Nice pics as well.

  2. I'm with Craig on this one. Very nice build but a far as the terrible mistake, I am stymied. The only thing that I can see is that you forgot to put swastikas on the rudders, however this can be easily remedied, so I would hardly consider that a terrible mistake.

  3. Very nicely done. I don't see any mistakes. I read why there's no swastika. You were asked to leave them off. Pity. It's part of history. πŸ™‚ Great work.

  4. Hi Nguyen, thats probably the best 162 i haver ever seen so far and made my effort looking old. Its difficult to get this one stand on its three wheels.
    Yellow 11 is known to me with a black/white/red nose.
    Your engine is (again) outstanding detailed. Smashing build, Congratulations

  5. Very nice indeed. I've seen a few of these built up in this scale and very pleased you've put in the extra effort for detailing that the subject deserves.

  6. Very nice build and paintjob.
    It seems you forgot to put some weight in the nose of the airplane.
    I wouldn't call that terrible though.
    Is the inside colour of the engine cowling correct?
    Shouldn't it be grey?

    • I've put a lot of weight but its not enough. The color of the emgine cowling is unclear,some say it grey some say it prime with the color I did. I chose the interior yellow as I think it more eyes catching.

  7. I think the only terrible mistake is letting your customer take it away! Another very nice build from you, Nguyen, you certainly have a good eye for adding extra detail.

  8. Thanks all for your kind words and guessing. The mistake is so terrible that I never have the guts to confess πŸ™‚

  9. Mistake or not this is a very realistic looking build. Engine really looks the part.
    The only thing I might be seeing mistake wise is that the engine covers appear to be too far aft to mate up to the intake rings.

  10. Excellent Salamander Nguyen. Well done. The engine is very impressive!

  11. Great build Nguyen, excellent engine details, and a wonderful finish too.
    Well done mate.

  12. Superb, congratulations for this great job.


  13. I was going to say "Forgot nose weight." as it looks like a tail sitter. Never noticed it till you pointed it out. The fact that the doors are open and the engine looks so wonderful disguises the fact. (That and the shape of the doors and the angle you photographed it at also hides it.) The paint and subtle weathering are very nice Nguyen. This is probably the neatest design that came from Germany during the war just for its simplicity. I wish someone would do a replica to fly with the 262's!

  14. Nguyen:
    The ground crew put the doors back on wrong! It was right after that P-51 strafed their airfield, and they were distracted. How's that?
    Looks good to me!

  15. As you have said the mistake is terrible, an amateur mistake I might add. The customer would ask for refund if he notice the mistake.

  16. excellent work again Nguyen. It's a shame you noticed the error only after it was packed up and shipped - that was easily fixable! The paint and construction are first rate, and the fact that it took quite a while for anyone to even noticed the doors are not properly aligned says it all. Very impressive!

  17. Just one word :
    C O N G R AT U L A T I O N S

  18. Hi Huy Hoang,
    Your model is great. In particular your scratch details are well done and fit perfectly in to the model. Do not worry too much about mistakes; our models are also full of them πŸ˜›
    I just started to build my He 162 1/48 from Tamiya. Let's see if I will make it so nice as yours πŸ˜‰

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