1 articles · 210 karma · 3 friends · active 5 years, 7 months ago

A lifelong modeller, an "Airfix kid" if you like, 57 with 2 adult kids, a boy and a girl living in London and NYC respectively, while my wife and I live in a suburb of Athens, Greece. Banker by profession, about to retire.
Rediscovered the hobby in the mid 90's and built WW II aircraft for a decade before I turned to 1/350 ships of the Steel Navy period up to 1945. Optivisor is my friend!

1/350 Tamiya Yamato (new tool) & Monochrome Suzutsuki

A diorama with the subject "Getting under way for Operation Ten-Ichi-Go", Yamato's last sortie in the spring of 1945. I made an effort to accurize the ships in order to depict them correctly as they would have been fitted at that [...]