2 articles · 265 karma · 1 friends · active 1 month, 2 weeks ago

I am from Taiwan(Republic of China),an island just beside Chinese mainland,It's a small spot on Living Earth's map(iPAD's APP) surrounded by Pacific ocean.I am glad to be a member of iModeler,all model photos of this site’s articles are art work,very nicely built,I have to learn more to catch up.besides building models,photography is my another hobby,there are some photos on my facebook(https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000040695230) to share with my friends.

Tamiya 1/72 Fw190-D9

my recent finished the Tamiya 1/72 scale Fw190-D9 ,painted with Gunze Mr. Color。

my latest build of Tamiya 1/72 F-84G

Here I present my latest build of Tamiya 1/72 F-84G,painting and finishing skills still needed to be advanced.so, any comment be grateful...