3 articles · 175 karma · 0 friends · active 4 years, 6 months ago
Unlike many for whom cockpits are a chore, I love building and detailing the pilots workplace.
First I had to decide if I use the Aires cockpit set 4026 intended for the Hasegawa kit or going with the kit parts. As my copy of the Aires set [...]
I will use the 1/48 new tool Airfix B-2/R-2 kit for this build. By the way, I was surprised that this kit has no coverage here (at least I couldn’t find any).
I also have some extra goodies I may use.
The kit was released in 2017 and [...]
This is my first post and will be the first part of a series of articles ( at least I hope it will work that way) documenting my build of the Ju 87R-2 flown by Major Walter Sigel Commanding Officer (Grupenkomandeur) from I./St.G 3 in the [...]