2 articles · 305 karma · 1 friends · active 1 year, 5 months ago

Hey! Been building armor and aircraft off and on for over 30 years. Currently back in the game. Back in the day my buds and I were big into the IPMS shows. Now? Just a lone modeler looking for interaction with other fellow military modelers.

1/72 RAF P-40 North Africa Airfix

Hi Everyone, Well it’s been a couple decades since I built an aircraft so I decided to give this simple 1/72 Airfix kit a whirl and see if I can relearn some techniques. I love the P-40 especially in desert camo scheme. It’s OOB [...]

My First Builds After a 20 Year Break

Hi Everyone! Great to meet all of you. Here are a few builds after a 20 year break. The 1/35 T-26 was the first followed by the knocked out 1/48 Sherman. Then the 1/35 Pz IV, the 1/48 Panther D, and last the 1/35 Stug III. I am hungry for [...]