2 articles · 420 karma · 1 friends · active 1 day, 7 hours ago

I've been an avid modeler all of my life. My dad was a WWII bomber pilot and a modeler, working with stick & paper, solid wood and then plastic in the 50's, when i was introduced to it.

Always had an interest in aviation. Dad joined what would become the New England Air Museum in 1960 and I followed on. In 1976 I was employed by them as the Operations Manager, which included creating the museum store. At that time it mostly consisted of plastic models. I created several model exhibits, some of which are still there. I left that employment in 1988 for other endeavors but continued my modeling hobby.

One area I dabbled in over the years is film making. I've hooked up with various local filmmakers to produce and edit several films.

Now retired and I've been concentrating on my model stash -- all those kits I've been saying I really wanted to built someday. That day is here for me. I still pick up a new kit here and then, but much more picky.

A Story of a Thoroughbred - N13Yankee

THE THOMPSON TROPHY RACE was part of the National Air Races, held each Labor Day weekend in Cleveland, Ohio. The Thompson race was a closed-course, unlimited air race sponsored by the Thompson Products, Inc. of Cleveland. Prior to WWII, [...]

Lockheed XF-90 in 1/48 by Aurora

Kit#: 33A-98 Price: $0.98 originally; $7.50 as a collectable in 1978 Notes: This is an original 1956 boxing of this kit but the molds date back to 1952. One never knows where a new project will lead you. The Lockheed XF-90, although [...]