6 articles · 325 karma · 1 friends · active 11 years, 6 months ago

Not much to say about me...other than the fact I am grateful to God, and my saviour Jesus Christ, for allowing me to be on this earth long enough to enjoy this underrated art form, and that I'm an Out Of The Box modeler, and I do NOT use aftermarket parts. All my builds are hand painted or spray-canned. I'm not fond of airbrushing.

Tamiya 1/35 scale Walker Bulldog

This tank didn't take long to build at all. I built this one pretty much OOTB. The only thing I changed was the muzzle. I hacked off the original muzzle, and placed the spare on instead. The spare muzzle came from a botched Panther. I plan [...]

First day of hunting American Armor season....

Here's a little idea I came up with this morning : One angry StuG hunting American armor. I took 2 pics. one pic is from the view ( if you can call it such ) from the intended targets, and the other is from the hunter's viewpoint.

Panzer Vor !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's a treat: One StuG III F, one M4 Sherman Custom, and one Walker Bulldog... all in one shot. Well, three shots. The M4 Sherman Custom : I took off the original 75mm gun, and replaced it with a gun from an old Dragon Panther II kit. [...]

Heinkel HE 111 H-22B-1

My newest completed bird : The Heinkel HE 111 H-22 converted into a gunship. This one was also built out of the box, and with no aftermarket parts. The gunpod was scratch-built, and the decals are from various other kits. This was [...]

Revell Dornier Do 335 A-5

I built this one sometime mid last year. This offering is the Revell Dornier Do 335 Pfeil. I modeled this one as an A-5 variant, which was a single-seat nightfighter. This was built Out Of The Box, and I did not use aftermarket parts. Just [...]


Here is my first submission to this site : A Dragon StuG III. I built this one completely OOTB (Out Of The Box). The decals are from various other kits. and the victory rings on the gunbarrel are hand painted. The model itself, is also [...]